First, thanks for such an informative article. I was unaware of Nano, but will check it out.
Might another approach be one that solves the problems associated with fiat currency? I have developed a New Monetary Paradigm that does precisely that.
It is not decentralized, but it is fully self-regulating. It would in turn make the entire economy self-regulating. Any nation could adopt it: it could be implemented within the existing central government/central bank system that every nation has in place. In less developed nations it would require that all (adult) citizens have access to some kind of banking account (currency would enter the economy in the form of an income paid to individuals), but that would not be an insurmountable barrier. There are built-in defenses against inflation.
If curious, a quick overview (with links to lengthier articles) is in "Permanent Quantitative Easing" (here in Medium, but not behind the paywall).