First, thanks for a truly important article. I am convinced that at this point only a revolutionary change to the existing economic system can save civilization. There simply is no longer enough time for smaller, incremental changes. On the other hand, changing to a different system would presumably take too much time and effort, too. Yet, such change can only happen through individuals seeking to make it happen.
I stumbled upon a way to fix the existing economic system. (I do have an M.A. in economics: political economy is my field, with money/income/distributive justice as my core area.) This proposal can "shift [the economic] paradigm to deal with new challenges" (from the chart identifying "leverage points") — and old challenges, too. It could be implemented in any nation with a single legislative Act.
By "fix" I mean make the economy (of any nation) fully self-regulating while eliminating unemployment, poverty, taxation/public debt (at least initially everywhere the proposal would be implemented, if not permanently in all those places) and increasing sustainability (by having demographics govern total output). Otherwise, there is little to recommend it.
The key element is a "democratically distributed income" (one for which any— adult — citizen could become eligible) that would be sufficient to live on (based on current levels of income/prices). The money for that income would be created as needed. It can be thought of as a kind of "Permanent 'Quantitative Easing'," but with built-in protections against inflation. [In various articles I refer to the income in other ways, such as “allotted,” “given,” and “standard,” but whatever it might be called, any adult citizen could become eligible for it.]
As income for employed people (in addition to being paid to retirees and adults unable to work) it could be made available as pay for minimum-pay positions only or it could be the pay for everyone employed in business or government. I think the environmental crisis calls for the latter. That would tie consumption to demographics as tightly as possible: "To Preserve What We Have, What We Have Must Be Enough."
Both linked articles are here in Medium, but not behind the paywall. If anyone is still reading, I do thank you for your time and consideration.