First, thanks for a first-rate analysis.
If I may, though, I have (fully) developed another alternative (earning an M.A. in economics along the way to make sure I knew enough to critique my idea): a paradigm that could be readily fitted to the existing economic system in any nation that would accomplish de-growth without causing any economic dislocation. It would eliminate unemployment and poverty at any level of total output and would also make it possible to eliminate taxes/public debt for funding government--all government, from local to central--from now on at the current rate of total government spending. Total output would be governed, passively but effectively, by demographics. All of that would be achieved without redistributing anything, without imposing any cost on any employer, without imposing any limit on income/wealth, and without requiring people to act any particular way: the system itself would become the source of sustainability (although, to be sure, all micro-level efforts to help certainly would — and would still be matters of law/regulation within the political process: the point is that paradigm itself does not entail any such political actions).
Sure, anyone reading this can toss it aside as 'too good to be true', but at this point that would be an indefensibly arrogant gesture.
If curious: "A Most Beneficial Economic Change" (a "2 min read" here in Medium with links to more about the paradigm): nothing I publish here is behind the paywall.