First of all, thanks to the author for such a thoughtful, provocative exposition.
Unless I am mistaken, the word ‘justice’ is not in it. To me, for human beings dealing with material existence justice is everything.
Peace, ‘“community,” and even liberty are all, my studies have taught me, the products of justice. When it is present they are present; when it is absent they are absent. Justice depends on a commonality among people.
We made much progress for a long time thinking that liberty and equality are the ‘twin pillars of justice’ for society. That was close, but not quite correct.
It turns out that the ethic of justice is mutual respect (of a basic kind — taking one another into account). Fortunately, recognizing mutual respect as the ethic of justice is not much of a stretch for us. It is implied by equality.
Mutual respect is the ethic that has governed political democracy as we’ve known it. A society governed by mutual respect would maximize liberty as a practical matter. It can be applied directly to the economy (as opposed to using government to try to change outcomes retroactively) with astonishing results.
In short, I’m saying that to ‘think big enough’, “Equality Is All We Need” (here in Medium). Beyond even that is “Real Justice” (also here in Medium).