Business--and its political arm, the Republican Party--has successfully made 'government' the 'bad guy'. If business is the 'good guy', as Jesus said, "how great is the darkness."
Business has been bashing 'government' since government (finally) stopped whole-heartedly supporting physically, violently crushing any attempt by workers to get a fairer share of the money/wealth they helped to produce. Then business bashed government for daring to try to protect the natural environment on which healthy human life does, after all, depend. At that same time the Republican Party started pandering to racists and bigots who lamented the end of racial segregation at the hands of liberals and what has become their political arm, the Democratic Party.
Yet, liberals and Democrats remain willing to compromise in national policy. It is the 'right' in this country that has come to the conclusion that compromise = 'bad'. convinced that they have a total, absolute monopoly on 'right' and 'good'. For them, intransigence 'proves' rightness; compromise betrays doubt.