Beliefs are extra-rational. That makes every belief absolutely valid for those who hold it. It also means that no belief is of any consequence whatsoever for anyone who does not hold it, but people have a hard time accepting that about their own beliefs.
Beliefs can be irrational, if they contradict known facts of existence. Yet, facts of existence are difficult to validate to the point that asserting otherwise is actually irrational. That makes politics, which is all about the interplay of beliefs and material existence, difficult enough.
The political right has gone beyond beliefs, to pure emotion: hatred. They hate liberalism. They hate everything about it. They hate it with all of their being.
They hate liberalism more than they love anything. The Constitution, rights, and democracy are as nothing compared to their hatred of liberalism.
That is why the right is bereft of ideas. For them, politics is all about one single thing: hating liberalism. They love President Trump because he attacks liberalism relentlessly.