Being a 'white' person, I have no standing to comment on any of that one way or another. All I can do is accept it as testimony.
Still, as the title of the essay suggests and the content makes clear, something is needed for the positive energy of the moment to create fundamental changes--a catalyst. Historically, proposed advances in justice have served that purpose.
For instance, Liberalism, with equality and liberty as the 'twin pillars of justice for society', was an advance in justice that propelled the world out of the Middle Ages into Modernity. It did also provide for further growth in the practical application of Liberal justice in society over time (social justice)— though the more racist a nation has been, the more it has lagged behind.
What we need now is a further advance in our basic understanding of Liberal justice — especially in its practical outcomes for all of the members of society, all citizens of the nation, most especially outcomes related to the economy. For that, I'm saying "Equality Is All We Need" (here in Medium).
If people of (more recent) African heritage would take it upon themselves to lead the way in making that advance in justice a reality, they would surely preserve Liberal society, probably save civilization, and perhaps rescue humanity itself from extinction.