At this point, the collapse of civilization as we know it from environmental causes cannot be avoided. Before it becomes complete, though, people need to be aware of a better approach to an economic system (the set of institutions via which the economy--the process of producing/acquiring goods/services--proceeds), which any society--any formally organized group of human beings--will have, needs to be known to be available.
The paradigm I developed would accomplish de-growth with only positive effects. Total output would be governed, passively but effectively, by demographics. Every member of society would be ensured of having enough and innovation would be encouraged, even financially, but arbitrary limits on income/wealth would be unnecessary. There would be no need for taxes/public debt.
I developed the 1.0 version of this paradigm forty years ago. Had it been implemented in the most capitalistic nations even twenty years ago, the words 'environmental crisis' would never have been uttered. Despite my efforts, though, it has been thoroughly ignored.
If curious, "A Most Beneficial Economic Change" is a "2 min read" here in Medium, with links to other articles about the topic. (Nothing I publish in Medium is behind the paywall.)