Applause from three people (including me) is pathetically apathetic. I have been fighting the good fight for decades.
To that end, please allow me to introduce to you a new idea (though I have been developing it and fine-tuning it for years). It would help immensely with sustainability and completely solve other problems. Since it involves economics, I’ll relate that I do have an M.A. in that subject.
I do understand that learning of a new idea from its author somehow undermines its authority, diminishes its credibility. I can’t do anything about that. That does imply, though, that if other people would tell other people about this idea, that would help. I’m not asking you to endorse it, just tell other people of its existence, is all.
The idea is to change the way money is supplied for the economy. That would be accomplished via a “democratically distributed income.” It would not be paid to everyone, but it would be available for an unlimited number of people. It would be created as needed, cost-free. The total of that income would form the supply of money (as currency) for the economy.
That (relatively) simple change to the monetary system would have profound results. It would make the existing economy stable and self-regulating (with built-in safeguards against inflation), providing the means to eliminate unemployment (at no cost to anyone), poverty (without having to redistribute anything), taxes (of all kinds), and public debt (at all levels of government) while increasing sustainability (even without additional regulations, because total output would be determined by demographics — and only that), without placing any limit on income or property/wealth, with no changes in economic behavior required and not so much as one piece of the existing institutional structure torn down.
I’ve published relevant essays here on, including “Extending Democracy to Our Capitalist Economy to Transform Our Society” and “A Cure for the Ills of Capitalism.” I also have a Web site, (I’ve been informed that the link to the Web site doesn’t work, so the address would actually have to be typed, but those other links do work.) I got to this idea in thinking about a really just economy, but this proposal can be considered in strictly economic terms. I acknowledge that I am a better thinker than I am a write — or a Web site designer.