Another, far simpler, approach would be an income funded by creating money as needed to pay every employee of any business or government the same income (as well as retirees and adults unable to work). As an intermediate phase, at least, people could still be remunerated with different, unlimited (in-kind) benefits accruing to different positions. Businesses would be allowed to retain a certain amount of cash and accrue a certain amount of assets unrelated to the business--with no limit on investment in the business. Excess revenue (which was never going to get into the hands of any person) would be returned to the originator of the income. People who were neither the employer of any other person nor an employee could make any amount of money selling any goods or services they could produce--but would be limited to selling to other individuals.
if curious: "The Unnecessariness of Marxism for society to go where Marx foresaw" (here in Medium, but not behind the paywall)