“And so, instead of focusing on never-ending growth, we should put our efforts towards outcomes like employment, education and health. That way, we can ensure that everybody enjoys a decent quality of life.
Naturally, this will require a vast distribution of resources.”
Not necessarily: a different way of supplying the economy with money would solve the problem. There would be no unemployment or poverty at any level of GDP, but there would be no redistribution of anything. Total output would be governed, passively but effectively, by demographics — and only that. The existing economy would in fact become self-regulating. The process could be used to eliminate taxation and public debt, yet government would be funded forever at the current per capita level of total government spending.
If your curiosity exceeds your cynicism, there is “Re-thinking the Economy’s ‘Fuel System’” here in Medium. A much briefer (“5 min read”) summary of the monetary proposal itself is here.