Advice for Older Men Concerning Young Women
treading — again — onto the thin moral ice that is human sexuality
I am 70 years old. I am tall and lean — very fit for a man of my age.
I read a long time ago that young women are hormonally attracted to older men who exhibit good traits for having children with. I have noticed that even at my age that is true.
Other men, middle-aged and older, perhaps with different traits exhibiting good material for producing offspring, have no doubt wondered if they are experiencing the same thing. Probably, the answer is, “Yes.”
What we all need to understand, however, is that the attraction those young women exhibit is genetic. It is something beyond their consciousness. Consciously, they see us as perhaps not unattractive, but not anyone with whom they actually want to have sex (at least, not in over 99% of the cases — and at least 99% of that <1% involves men under 60, for sure, no matter what).
So if you are wondering if that young woman is attracted to you, the answer could well be in the affirmative. Don’t be deluded, though, into making a fool of yourself — or worse. That is attraction is only DNA deep.