A friend of mine told me a long time ago that groups on the political left are populated by people who are there as an end in itself, to feel good about themselves.
I have contacted many political parties (including all national Greens parties) regarding a monetary paradigm I have developed. I grant that the material outcomes it would generate (which were unforeseen by me: I was interested in making the economy more just) make it look kookish, but anyone who would give it any study would see that those outcomes (making the existing economy self-regulating while eliminating unemployment, poverty, taxes, and public debt and increasing sustainability) are absolutely, positively guaranteed. You would think any out-of-power party, especially a really obscure one, would be interested in the possibility of being able to claim that for an economic platform, but none have ever even wanted to engage in further discussions of the idea.
I am convinced that, climatologically, we are out of time to save civiilization, but it is never too late to do better.